DFDX(7) Miscellaneous Information Manual DFDX(7)

dfdxoldschool technology enthusiast

One doesn't need to chase new technology trends. Older technology can still address today's problems -- often more elegantly. Therefore, I mainly use this blog to explore how to solve certain modern problems with tools that have been around for decades. Instead of relying on the latest software, I focus on alternatives from the golden age of computing that have stood the test of time.

You can get far with httpd in OpenBSD Getting the most out of OpenBSD's httpd (TBD)
Creating daemons in OpenBSD It's not as complicated as you think (TBD)
Gitea on OpenBSD A guide to configure gitea on OpenBSD (TBD)
Pixelfed on OpenBSD A guide to configure pixelfed on OpenBSD (TBD)
Snac on OpenBSD A guide to configure snac on OpenBSD (TBD)
Calibre-server on OpenBSD A guide to configure calibre-server on OpenBSD (TBD)
Nextcloud on OpenBSD A guide to configure Nextcloud on OpenBSD (12/28/21)
Encrypted Harddrive on OpenBSD A guide to install OpenBSD with encrypted hard drives (12/28/21)

openbsd, tildeverse, causal.agency, gentoo, suckless, cosmic.voyage

mail 	 intdfdx@gmail.com
irc 	 #openbsd and #gentoo on libera.chat

October 5, 2024 OpenBSD 7.5